Dr Martin Lanik is about to publish his new book, “The Leader Habit” and we are very pleased to have the opportunity of giving you some brief insights into the content, ahead of the book’s release.

What is a habit?

Psychologists define a habit as an automatic behavior. That means that we don’t think about our habits—they seamlessly happen in response to a given cue with little or no conscious effort, and often without us being aware of them. Habits make us more efficient, save us precious mental energy, and allow us to focus on other things—like pondering the meaning of life or fantasizing about our next beach vacation. People often think of habits as bad behaviors they must struggle to eliminate. For instance, you may wish to quit smoking, drink less, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. But not all habits are bad. In fact, you already hold many positive habits that enhance the quality of your life—you can walk, read this book, drive a car, count money, read a balance sheet, book a flight on the Internet, swim, ski, play a musical instrument; you understand language and can have a conversation with your colleagues and friends, to name just a few common habits. Some habits you acquired through deliberate practice. You went to school to learn how to read and count, how to understand financial statements, how to manage projects. Through practice, these skills became automatic, and now they are processed in your unconscious mind. Other habits you picked up unintentionally—perhaps your parents insisted on certain daily behaviors, like eating breakfast before leaving the house in the morning. You internalized these behaviors as habits, too. No matter how you acquired your habits, they literally changed your brain. 

You can find out more about the book at: https://www.leaderhabit.com/