Guest blog: Terence Perrin
Rather like The Buggles with their 1980 hit record, I’ve been thinking about the future of talent. I’m not alone – there’s even a conference named after it these days.
But I can’t help thinking we might all be missing some vital home truths. In my experience of the corporate world, those folk who are responsible for leadership programmes, employee engagement, organisational development and change management can act in splendid isolation. The various talent management initiatives they are rolling out can be wildly disjointed.
The lost opportunity arising from this lack of cohesion is further compounded by the fact that the vast majority of talent management resource is aimed at only 5 to 10 per cent of employees.
That isn’t even the whole story. The many components of talent management are so anchored in delivering current year objectives that a future focussed approach is practically alien. And use of big data? Metrics for return on investment?
So – how about the overlooked 90 per cent, addressing the skills requirements of tomorrow, assessing colleagues for retraining instead of always hiring externally, and using data to analyse skills inventories and future business demand?
There is a better approach to talent management. Stick around and we will explain all…
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