I have just been through a great online course about cybersecurity and how to be safe online. It reminded me of an old (bad) joke that used to be on the HR conference circuit: “People think they are good at three things: driving, love-making, and being a great judge of people.” The purpose of the joke was to persuade those that think “I can tell from the minute they walk in the room,” that they need selection interviewing training.
I reckon there is a fourth to add to that now for modern living: “I am safe online.”
I must admit that I was guilty of thinking that I am internet and tech savvy and that of course I do everything safely. The course goes into realms I hadn’t thought of and yet it is easy and fun to use. Just one of the many things I learned was an (obvious but I hadn’t ever thought of it) way to devise a complicated password that is easy for you to remember. The course also covers: phishing and ransomware, security of cloud file sharing, security of USB drives, safe use of public WiFi and smartphone security.
If you want to have a go at it yourself, or discuss adding it to your corporate online learning library, just let me know and I will put you in touch with the creators of this SafeUser program, who are also the fantastic service providers who are hosting our online courses.
This will be our last newsletter now until after Easter. Carolyn and I both wish you very happy and safe holidays.
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Janice Caplan
5 April 2019
©Copyright Janice Caplan 2019