Following on my previous comments on the huge value of career development processes, here are some tips on how to facilitate career planning in your organization and make continuous learning part of the culture of the organization.

– Learning must align with the aspirations of both the individual and the organisation. Accept that an individual’s aspirations might take them out of the organization.

– Career development programs are positive, give positive messages, and motivate. Use this freely to combat the negativity in organizations, which is often unavoidable: difficult economic circumstances, restructures, change programs. These all generate fear and uncertainty.

– People’s needs and preferences vary hugely. Take advantage of technology to personalize learning as much as possible.

– Clarify roles and responsibilities:  individuals must self-manage their careers, the organization must provide the information and the tools, the manager must open the opportunity and provide support.

 TOP TIP: Career conversations are highly valued. Make career conversations part of your culture.

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Janice Caplan

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