From last week…. Looking after the 90%

Just published CIPD (i) research shows that almost half (49 per cent) of UK workers are in jobs they are either under- or over-skilled for. Put this together with our poor productivity statistics, it is safe to conclude that addressing this skills issue could have a major impact. 


The CIPD report makes valuable recommendations for improving people management and development. I would like to add to these recommendations the value of using multiple assessment methods. 

Formal, validated assessment achieves several benefits: it raises individual’s own self-awareness of their strengths and preferences. This is the key starting point for development. It also provides data for the organisation to help understand the potential of the workforce, identify where skills investment can best be directed, plan for the future and make strategic decisions. 

You are probably thinking to yourself, “I know this already. This is nothing new”. True. But the majority of organisations have traditionally used formal assessment methodologies for recruitment, or to identify high-potentials. In our blog last week our colleague Terence Perrin emphasised the need for inclusive talent management. At Scala, we advocate formal assessment as part of this inclusive approach. With online systems bringing down the cost, along with the increased profitability that comes from raising engagement and productivity, we make a strong case for different assessment processes that reach the whole workforce. 


Janice Caplan

(i) “Over-skilled and underused: Investigating the untapped potential of UK skills”-  CIPD , October 2018


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