This timely research report from Calum Byers, who is one of our lead coaches, is now available. At the end of last year, many of you completed the survey that Calum ran to explore the relationship between ‘resilience and wellbeing’ and how this might impact the organization’s employee engagement agenda. The survey is part of Calum’s MSc dissertation at Henley Business School. It is one of the very few pieces of research to look specifically at resilience in a work context.

To summarise just a couple of key points from this report:

1. having a purpose in life and finding meaning in work were both correlated with employee resilience.


2. meaning at work had little direct influence on employee resilience but appeared to work through purpose in life as a mediator. That is, a sense of meaning – derived from work, or from the individual’s personal circumstances – has to be converted into a personal purpose in order for it to influence personal and work resilience.

The implication is that meaning at work must be assimilated by the individual into their own personal sense of purpose for this to positively impact effectiveness and engagement.

This is an important point at this time when home-based working and difficulties brought about by the pandemic have brought about a greater need for resilience.

A key conclusion from the research is that a more systemic approach to managing and coaching individuals is required so as not to assume that the work persona is all that matters in creating a resilient environment.

Email Calum Byers for a report

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©Janice Caplan 2020