Surveys provide important data for making sense of where we are and where we need to be with our HR strategies. This is especially the case now in our very uncertain and ambiguous climate. Please help us with these two studies.

Pinsight, our US partner, has launched their next research survey and we need your help! We’re asking for Human Resource or Talent Management Executives to take 10-15 minutes to fill out their survey on the impact of people analytics in your company. Pinsight is interested in the people analytics your organization uses to make important HR decisions, such as training, hiring, etc. The goal is to investigate how those people analytics relate to important business outcomes, such as sales, profit, share price, market share, etc.

All participants in the survey will get early access to the findings, will receive the research report prior to its public release, and more. 

Please feel free to distribute the survey to the HR/TM leaders in your organization!

Launch the Survey

Check out these Pinsight blog posts!

Key challenges of leading virtual teams: survey

We are still running our short, completely anonymous and unattributed survey on the key challenges of leading virtual teams. We will keep the survey open until 9 July. Please take five minutes to respond to these questions:

Quick Lockdown Survey

To sign up for our self-study course on Leading Virtual Teams, at £75 plus VAT, please  contact me.

©Janice Caplan 2020