Deciding to keep going with a planned, but not yet begun, 360-degree feedback exercise took courage and clear thinking on the part of the senior management team of Wandle Housing Association.

The purpose of the programme was for all managers to have a personal development plan that aligned with Wandle’s new, ambitious, five-year plan.

Continuing to deliver housing services to residents has been exceptionally challenging during lockdown. The extra pressure and workload made it tempting to postpone the 360 exercise. But, development lifts the spirits by focusing people on goals. Coaching sessions were include making it a supportive endeavour. 

360 can backfire, but through extensive preparation beforehand, as well as the design of the process, the programme was overwhelmingly positive.

Troy Henshall, Executive Director Business Services and Transformation:
“I was really impressed that Scala were able to build this process around our Target Operating Model and Leadership Charter. This made the process more meaningful and ensures our development needs are matched directly to the strategic goals of the organisation. With an organisation that is moving more towards outcomes, this is a platform and approach that we will build on in the months and years to come to deliver value.”

Gladys Mhone, Head of People:
“For me, the 360-degree feedback not only provided us with key information on the development of our leaders and managers, but it was a great vehicle to reinforce and bring to life our Leadership Charter. It has provided a fantastic opportunity for meaningful conversations, which I have personally found beneficial with my own team.”

We at Scala have been exceptionally proud to work with Wandle Housing. Our thanks also to Track Surveys who provided the 360 platform.

Click below to read the case study on Wandle Housing’s bespoke 360-degree feedback programme.

Wandle Housing 360 Case Study

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©Janice Caplan 2020